From small and good to bigger and better
Avril is a leading London-based Business Mentor.
With her radical open-mindedness, broad experience, and wealth of knowledge, Avril helps leaders and stuck-achievers gain focus and prepare for the next stage of growth.
Meet Avril Millar
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“Nobody has impacted my entire life more positively than Avril. Her advice has led to a huge change in my fortunes, personal wealth, and above all, my wellbeing.”
— Justin Megawarne. Co-Founder, Megaslice

Even the best people stumble; good businesses stall; clever people struggle with unexpected challenges and unfamiliar problems.
You are a fighter, but sometimes you’ll need more weapons, more energy, less fearsome opposition.
A bold, battle-scarred companion.
That’s where I can help.
“When you think you might not know what to do, or where to go, Avril will help you find your answers.”
You can do it on your own, whatever your ‘it’ is.
You can read books, watch TED talks, work hard at finding fragmented answers to your unique challenges on a variety of mediums that don’t provide relevant feedback, stress-testing, or bespoke solutions.
Find your answers faster, more easily, and more joyously with insight from someone whose wisdom is deep, broad, and hard-earned.
Avril will empower you to fast forward, have more fun, and give back more than you ever thought possible.
Avril Millar
About Avril
Originally a Civil Engineer, Avril built an award-winning Wealth Management business from 1986.
20 years later, after its sale, she spent 3 years as CEO of a global banking recruitment business, leading it through the financial crisis and back into strong profitably. As Board Adviser, she subsequently oversaw the management buyout.
Since then, Avril has advised and worked in many businesses, mentored many CEOs and individuals, and has helped many global organisations achieve exponential growth and profitability.
Along the way she also qualified as a Master NLP practitioner, a hypnotherapist and a Thought Field Therapist – all of which sound off the wall but actually make her more effective than most in working with businesses and the people who run them.
Her radical open-mindedness, broad experience, and wealth of knowledge acquired over a lifetime of raging successes and some failures, place her in a distinct position to support leaders and stuck-achievers through most challenges they face.
“Avril was the only option I would consider to help with SQFT Capital and has been hugely beneficial in steering the business and success it has seen in early capital raises. “
— Tom Wolfe, CEO, Squarefoot Capital
In 3 months you’ll be on top of whatever was on top of you, and ahead of your game. You will also know how to stay there.
Business Mentoring
For CEOs and Senior Management encountering new and unfamiliar challenges in their business.
From sales to finance, governance to compliance, through turnarounds and fund raises, Avril has seen it all. When things get tough, getting inside information from the generations of business before you can make all the difference.
Executive Mentoring
It’s great to have support inside your business; a mentoring culture makes for great businesses.
But sometimes you need to work with someone outside, to get clarity, a shoulder to cry on, or a kick in the backside. If you are running a business, or in someone else’s business, Avril can open your eyes to how to deal with your biggest challenges, both internal and external.
Personal Mentoring
If you’re depressed or struggling to cope, please seek professional therapeutic help.
If you’re just fed up to the gills and don’t know how to break out of whatever destructive pattern you’ve got into, you can bet Avril has lived through it or has helped someone through a similar situation. Don’t waste time waiting; grasp the nettle and weed it out.

Get ahead of your game.
Tomorrow will come regardless, and people nowhere near as good, strong and brave as you will have kicked the ass out of their lives. That’s going to really piss you off.
In 3 months, you’ll be on top of whatever was on top of you, ahead of your game, and you'll know how to stay there.
Contact Avril.
A Millar Consulting Ltd.
West Kensington, London
+44 (0)7713489085
It’s my personal mobile number up there. No receptionist, no filters, because within a few short minutes of talking, we’ll have an idea if we like each other and that is all that matters.
We should only work with people we like.
I do.
So call me, or use the form to email me.

GET A FREE COPY of Avril Millar’s book below.
THE KAMA SUTRA OF WORK: Why work is the new sex and how to make sure you’re getting enough.
Sign up for your free digital copy at the bottom of this page.
What People Are Saying
★★★★★ - 5/5 Stars
“If you know you want to create value, create work, and have a more playful and fulfilling life, this book is for you. But don't expect a wishy-washy, life is perfect, all-will-just-come-your-way approach, or for that matter don’t expect the usual 'the cards are stacked against you because you are a woman'. There's no time for that in this book.”
— KL Hauck
★★★★★ - 5/5 Stars
“You may think the book is aimed primarily at women, but it's just as enjoyable and enlightening for men. The Kama Sutra of work is direct, succinct, and each chapter comes with a bit-sized 'sutra' at the end. It's less self-help, more self-enlightenment written in a unique and engaging style and has set me upon the road to getting more of both.”
— Simon Smith
★★★★★ - 5/5 Stars
“As an avid reader of leadership and business books, this book ranks as one of the most innovative and at the same time, practical book around at this moment. Avril has a witty writing style, but don’t be fooled by the humour... the points she makes are ESSENTIAL reading for anyone in or about to approach working life. This is not a girls only book - it is a classic in the making.“