Life is what happens when you are making other plans

Well, it's been a while since the last blog and the reason for that is one of those mysterious tricks that life plays on us. Suffice it to say that I had to take my business apart and start again which, whilst stressful and tiring, was nowhere near as bad as continuing with the wrong set up and conflicting value systems. So like a phoenix from the ashes, Leadout is born!

I have to say that adversity brings all sorts of advantages, not the least of which is the opportunity to test if you REALLY want to do something. Finding that my desire to build a new model of support for SMEs was as strong as ever despite the trauma was a great gift. No fly-by-night idea this and I have been very lucky to attract wonderful people to work with me.

And the message of this little blog is that everything passes, good and bad, and finding what you want to do with part of your life is the greatest gift of all. It seems you really can't keep a good (wo)man down after all.

Avril Millar

Originally a Civil Engineer, Avril built an award-winning Wealth Management business over 20+ years from 1986. Since then, Avril has advised and worked in many businesses, mentored many CEOs and individuals, and has helped many global organisations achieve exponential growth and profitability. Her radical open-mindedness, broad experience, and wealth of knowledge acquired over a lifetime of raging successes and some failures, places her in a distinct position to support leaders and stuck-achievers through most challenges they face.

To blog or not to blog myself?


The Lazarus Business